Auto Insurance
To properly protect yourself from the always present danger of huge awards for auto liability, it is imperative that you maintain the proper level of coverage for your particular situation.
If you have any doubts about the appropriate level of automobile coverage that's right for you, we have excellent plans available through reputable auto insurers, and we will be happy to help pinpoint the coverages best suited to your needs.
Compulsory Auto Policy Coverage
Bodily Injury to Others
Personal Injury Protection
Bodily Injury Caused by Uninsured Auto
Damage to Someone Else's Property
Optional Coverages
Optional Bodily Injury to Others
Medical Payments
Substitute Transportation
Towing and Labor
Bodily Injury Caused by an Underinsured Auto
Homeowners Insurance
The biggest investment most people will ever make is in their home. That's why it makes sense to protect the sizable financial investment you've made in your own home with a comprehensive homeowners plan.
Your home purchase is an investment deserving the protection that only an experienced insurance professional can provide.​
Basic protection you need for:
Your home
Other buildings or structures on your property
Your personal belongings - furniture, clothing, appliances, etc.
Additional living expenses
Your personal legal liability

Special features you can choose for additional security
Home Replacement Guarantee
Replacement Cost on Contents
Additional Coverage Form
Customer testimonials
"I have my home, auto and business insurance all with Brian Schulze Insurance. Everyone is friendly and knowledgeable - great to work with!"