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Group Insurance

We offer information that will help you decide which is the best plan for you and your budget.

Health Insurance is one of your most important needs. Without it, one serious illness or accident could wipe you out financially.


Most Americans get health insurance through their jobs or are covered because a family member has insurance at work. This is called group insurance and is generally the least expensive kind.


Some employers offer only one health insurance plan. Some offer a choice of plans: a fee-for-service plan, a health maintenance organization (HMO), or a preferred provider organization (PPO). These plans differ in significant ways and can be explained in detail by our agent.


Not all employers offer health insurance. You might find this to be the case with your job, especially if you work for a small business or work part-time. If your employer does not offer health insurance, you can buy an individual policy, however, you should utilize your agent to compare your options and shop carefully for the best coverage for you.

Ready to make it happen?

Take the next step in getting your group insurance by requesting a quote and we will contact you shortly to get started.

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